The Tunisian pilot who flew the chartered ValueJet plane carrying the Nigerian Super Eagles football team has come forward with a detailed account of the frustrating incident that occurred during their attempted landing in Benghazi.

According to the pilot, the original flight plan was to land the aircraft in Benghazi, Libya, as approved by the relevant aviation authorities. However, the situation took an unexpected turn once they began their descent.

“The flight plan was to land in Benghazi. We got the approval from the Libyan civil aviation authority that we were approved to land,” the pilot explained. “But unfortunately, when we started the descent, they asked us to divert to Mitiga, which is almost 150 miles (300 km) away. This was not even our alternate airport.”

The pilot emphasized that the diversion to Mitiga Airport would have severely impacted their fuel reserves, potentially compromising the safety of the flight. He insisted on landing in Benghazi as per the original plan and approved authorization.

“I asked them several times, at least eight times, and I warned them that I would be in trouble for the fuel situation,” the pilot recounted. “They said it was from the highest authority and that we had to divert to Mitiga immediately.”

Ultimately, the pilot had no choice but to comply with the directive, despite the significant detour and potential safety concerns. Thankfully, the aircraft landed safely in Mitiga, but the pilot expressed his frustration with the last-minute change.

“Even the airport in Mitiga was not well-equipped. There was no ILS, no other approach aids, so we had to land visually,” the pilot said. “It was our first and last chance with this changing company, and I know the area very well, but it was not an easy matter at all.”

The pilot emphasized that all the evidence and documentation related to the flight plan and approvals are available, and he is prepared to appeal the decision to divert the aircraft from its intended destination.

“This is our flight plan. We cannot hide anything. There is a lot of cross-checking and redundancy in aviation, so they cannot hide this information or say anything other than the truth,” the pilot stated.

The incident has raised concerns about the handling of the Super Eagles’ chartered flight and the potential aviation safety implications of the last-minute change in landing location. The pilot’s detailed account sheds light on the challenges faced during the ordeal and the need for a thorough investigation to ensure the safety and well-being of all passengers on future flights.