President Bola Tinubu has called for inclusivity, multilateralism and permanent seats for Nigeria and Africa on the United Nations security council.

Africa has long clamoured for equal representation on the council.

Each year, the UNGA elects five new members from different geographical zones for two-year terms on the council. The continent has three rotational seats on the 15-member UN body.

Speaking at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday, Tinubu, who was represented by Vice-President Kashim Shettima, said a reform of the council has become imperative.

“Some permanent members of the United Nations security council have offered encouraging, if tentative indications of support on the issue of reform of the council. We welcome the change in tone and urge an acceleration in momentum to the process,” he said.

“The security council should be expanded, in the permanent and non-permanent member categories, to reflect the diversity and plurality of the world. We fully support the efforts of secretary-general Guterres in this regard.

“Africa must be accorded the respect that it deserves in the security council. Our continent deserves a place in the permanent members category of the security council, with the same rights and responsibilities as other permanent members.”

Tinubu also sought for debt forgiveness for Nigeria and a reform of the global financial architecture.

“We reiterate the call by countries, especially of the global South, for reform of the international financial architecture and promotion of a rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, equitable and transparent multilateral trading system,” the president said.

“Similarly, we must ensure that any reform of the international financial system includes comprehensive debt relief measures, to enable sustainable financing for development.

“Countries of the global South cannot make meaningful economic progress without special concessions and a review of their current debt burden.”

Tinubu also harped on the dangers of climate change, proliferation of weapons, coups on the African continent and human rights abuses.

“From last year’s summit, and indeed from previous years, we have carried over the numerous challenges of terrorism, armed conflict, inequality, poverty, racial discrimination, human rights abuses, food crises, hunger, irregular migration, piracy, global pandemics, hyper-inflation, nuclear proliferation, grinding debt burden, climate change, and a host of other vexations,” he added.

“The continued manifestation of these challenges testifies to our failings rather than to any lofty achievements on our part. Billions of dollars are being committed to the prosecution of wars and the fanning of the embers of conflict.

“Our people need employment. They need decent livelihoods. They desire good and affordable education and healthcare for their children and families. They need to live in healthy, safe and secure environments. They need hope and they need opportunity.”

The president also spoke about recovery of the proceeds of corruption and illicit financial flows, maintaining that the return of such funds to countries of origin “is a fundamental principle of the United Nations Convention against Corruption”.

“Therefore, the international community must promote practical measures to strengthen international cooperation to recover and return stolen assets and to eradicate safe havens that facilitate illicit flows of funds from developing countries to the developed economies,” he added.

On the sidelines of the UNGA, Shettima also solicited the support of Finland in Nigeria’s pursuit of a permanent seat on the UN security council.

During a meeting with President of the Republic of Finland, Alexander Stubb, Shettima said: “Nigeria has 25 years of uninterrupted democracy. And in Bola Tinubu a president with huge democratic credentials and commitment. With him in the saddle, Africa and the larger world would be safe, futuristic, acceptable and more peaceful.”