By Ladi Ayodeji

There are many voices in the world, according to the Bible. Unless you are well instructed in things of the spirit, you are not likely to know how to distinguish the voice of God from the multiple of voices that you hear regularly.

The devil, for instance, could imitate the voice of God, just like the parrot does when it mimicks human voice. Many people, including mature christians like seasoned Ministers of the gospel, are very often deceived by the devil whose trick is to ascribe strange voices to God. That’s why,a minister would say,’God told me…’, when God has not to yo him; that’s why prophecies fail, being the work of the flesh.

There are many messages coming out of the pulpit that do not emanate from God. Even the prophet Nathan was deceived, when he gave King David a message that God did not send him to deliver to the king regarding the building of a temple.

The first thing to realize is that, there are four entities that could talk to you. God can talk to you;. Satan does talk to us,a neighbour could talk to you, and you could talk to yourself by your spirit man. What distinguishes the voice or word of God is that, it’s usually a direct command.

He said, in Gen 1:1, Let there be light and there was light! Let there be there be firmament in the midst of the waters… and it was so. He went on and on in the story of creation. That’s what you will find all over the Bible. God doesn’t sound suggestive; he gives commands.

Also, any word of God delivered to you either as prophecy, revelation or message, must align with scripture. At least, you must find two or three scriptures to back it up.

At the mouth of two or three witnesses, the truth is established. Any word of God that is not in alignment with the written word, the Bible,is not the word of God. The Bible is the corpus of revelation; the believer’s rule of faith. So, the voice of God conveying any message must be in harmony with scripture. God cannot contradict himself. The word of God is settled in heaven, once for all and it stands sure; it applies to all in all generations.

The canon of revelation or scripture is closed. Therefore, God is not going to say anything new to anyone that he didn’t say to someone in the past. Moreover, there is no private revelation. Someone has to bear witness to what you receive.

A lady who’s seeking divine direction about a marriage partner went to her pastor for prayer. The Pastor told her that God said he should be the one to marry her. The lady then decided to ask me if this was true. I asked her,did God tell you to marry the Pastor? She said, no. Bluntly, frankly and unequivocally,I told her the Pastor was lying.

God doesn’t interfere with our choices that way. The Holy Spirit could give counsel, but he will not tell you to marry someone willy nily. That is for another day.

Back to the subject matter. How does the devil talk to us? He does so through suggestions,contrary words that oppose the word of God,lies and threats.

The evil one,Satan asked Eve in the Garden of Eden: Did God say? He was making a suggestion, trying to twist what God said directly: the day you eat of the forbbiden fruit, you will surely die. Read the entire story. God gave Adam and Eve a direct command, but the devil asked: did God say? That’s how the devil behaves. He contradicts the word of God.

God said, the soul that sinneth must die. The devil said, you shall not die, you will only become wise. And Eve fell for it! So, understand that, God’s word is a command. Jesus shouted, Lazarus, come forth. He that was dead for four days and already decaying, immediately rose from the dead. He obeyed the command of Jesus.

Wind obeyed Jesus. Sicknesses obeyed him. A word of command from above must be obeyed.

Of course,we know that God usually speaks in small, still voices. But the important feature of his voice is that it is direct, unequivocal. It’s the same even when God decides to negotiate,as was the case with Abraham in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now, you or your neighbour could speak to you. In either case,such word or counsel must align with scripture, otherwise, it’s the voice of the devil.

Let me stop here for now.

References:Gen1:3:-7,Gen 2:16-18, Rev. 2: 1-7