The leader of the coup , General Brice Oligui Nguema, that ousted Gabon President, Ali Bongo was sworn in as the interim on Monday (Sep 4) by the country’s constitutional court judges in a televised ceremony designed to solidify the junta’s grip on power, reported Reuters.

This is coming after military officers led by Gabonese General Brice Oligui Nguema seized power of the Central African country on August 30 minutes after the announcement that Bongo had secured a third term in an election which the junta has since said was not credible. 

During the ceremony, the coup leader, General Brice Oligui Nguema who pledged to hold elections after a transitional period which as at the time of filing this report is still unspecified also sworn to faithfully preserve the Gabonese republican regime.

“I swear before God and the Gabonese people to faithfully preserve the republican regime,” he said.