Renowned Fuji Megastar, Kolawole Ayinla, popularly known as General Kollington, has dismissed the rumour making the rounds that he had died.

He said those behind the rumour mill should be referred to a psychiatric hospital for proper medical examination.

Killington said this in an exclusive telephone interview on Monday.

The veteran musician added that he is alive, hale and hearty, and there was no cause for alarm about his state of health.

He said he was taken aback to have been informed of the death rumour when he had just finished eating cooked beans and fried plantains.

Killington, however, threatened to litigate the purveyors of the rumour mill as he had instructed his legal team to set machinery in motion.

“I can tell and confirm to you that I’m alive, hale and hearty. I’m healthy, and nothing is wrong with my state of health to warrant any rumour as to whether I’m alive or not.

“Those people spreading rumour that I am dead are mad; they should be taken to Aro (Federal Psychiatric Hospital, Abeokuta).

“In fact, I’m surprised to have been told and sent a snap of an online blog that I am dead. And one should ask the writer of that information about his experience in journalism. Is that how they were taught in journalism school?

“Well, my legal team has been informed, and would communicate the concerned online blog for appropriate notice of litigation. For me, this is not a good way of making popularity.

“I’m in my house. In fact, I just finished eating cooked beans and fried plantains. So, how come I’m eating? To tell you, I’m alive, hale, hearty and healthy”, Killington said.