Drummer Kunle Ayanlowo in a new video drags the living daylight out of his former boss K1 De Ultimate.

In the new video, drummer Kunle Ayanlowo who worked with K1 De Ultimate for 32 years refers to the fuji icon as an idiot for referring to him as someone who can’t read or write.

This is coming hours after drummer Kunle Ayanlowo begs Nigerians to come to his aid stressing that WasiuAyinde and his boys is after his life.

Earlier in an interview, Kunle Ayanlowo disclosed to all and sundry that K1 De Ultimate always treats his staff as slave. He also added that he works works with him for 32 years without achieving anything.

However, a diss track surfaced online, where K1 De Ultimate said KunleAyanlowo was never serious while he was with him.

He also issued a warning, noting that if Ayankunle likes, he goes or stays, that will not stop him from singing nor ruin his legacy. 

He also revealed that Kunle Ayanlowo left his band and came again and by extension stressed that if he was a bad boss he would not have come back. He however labeled him as a hypocrite.

In the new video, drummer Kunle Ayanlowo shows that he has fully grown wings as he blast K1 De Ultmate and even attacks the singer’s paternal figure.

He accused K1 De Ultimate of always acting like God and have no respect for anyone in society.

The drummer also recalled how he brought in a girl with him to Paris and K1 De Ultimate ended up sleeping with her.