One of the principles that Jesus taught during His earthly ministry was the principle of consistence in prayer. He made us to understand in the scripture that consistence is the key to answered prayer.

In the Christian faith, prayer serves as a means of communicating our needs and wants to the Maker. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus exemplifies and instructs His followers on the importance of persistent and unwavering prayer. 

Jesus taught through parables and direct teachings about the significance of persistence in prayer. In Luke 18:1-8, He tells the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge, illustrating the necessity of perseverance in seeking justice and vindication from God. The widow’s relentless pursuit of justice mirrors the attitude believers should adopt in their prayers, persisting even in the face of delay or apparent silence.

Jesus also encourages His disciples to pray with faith, believing that their petitions will be granted (Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24). This element of trust and confidence in God’s faithfulness underpins the principle of consistence in prayer. By maintaining faith and trust in God’s promises, believers can approach prayer with assurance, knowing that God hears and answers according to His will.

The principle of consistency in prayer, as taught by Jesus, encompasses regularity, persistence, and faith. Through His teachings and example, Jesus demonstrates the transformative power of prayer and the importance of maintaining a steadfast and unwavering connection with God. By adhering to this principle, believers can experience the profound blessings and spiritual growth that come from a vibrant and consistent prayer life.

There’s no other way to witness the glory of God than to be consistent in prayer. The time when you feel like you should stop praying because it seems God is not doing anything about your request is the time to pray more; it is the time to be more faithful to God as regards your request.

Let me ask you: is there anything you’re praying about and it seems not coming forth? The principle that Jesus taught says you should ask over and over again. With your persistence before God, you’ll receive your testimony in Jesus name.