Family Love is a private radio network with four stations in Nigeria. It is owned by Multimesh Broadcasting Company Limited. Stations are located in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Enugu, and Umuahia.

Multimesh received a license from the National Broadcasting Commission to own a radio station in 2004. The Port Harcourt station was the first to launch in 2005. The Abuja station started in 2008 when the company acquired the former Crowther Radio and was followed by Umuahia in 2012 (originally on 103.9 MHz), while the Enugu station was formally launched in August 2017.

The proprietor, Sir Godfrey Nnamdi Ohuabunwa is a consummate entrepreneur and having started business at the age of 17, is today the Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Multimesh Communications Group of companies which include, Phones Warehouse, Cable African TV Network,, Cable Mission Television – Network, MMC USA HOLDING LLC, Aapron Communications ltd, ACG Communications ltd, Godfrey, Derick and Philemon company ltd, Multimesh Broadcast Company Ltd, Multimesh Entertainment Limited, Kenwood Nigeria and Multimesh Communications Limited. Godfrey Ohuabunwa is a Boad Member of the Greater Port Harcourt City Dveleopment Authority (GPHCDA) and a Non-Executive Director of Neimeth International Pharmaceutical Company Plc, a public quoted company in the Nigerian Stock Exchange (Former Pfizer Products Plc).

Sir Godfrey Ohuabunwa has won several awards and recognitions, among which are; The Ikemba of Arochukwu Kingdom, Knight of Saint Christopher (KSC) Anglican Communion, Professional Leadership Award- Rotary international, Year 2003 Business Leader Award- Junior chamber international, Port Harcourt Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Entrepreneur Merit Award, Men Christian Association Merit Award, Citizenship and Leadership Merit Award- Ministry of Youths and Sports, Best Behaved Student Award- class 1984. He received the International Star Award for Quality from Business Initiative Directors in Geneva in 2008.