Jesus, in the gospel of Matthew, says “Do not judge”. This is not an advice but a command. He commanded us not to judge. I strongly believe that Jesus knows that the judgement of man will always be unfair. Most importantly, His own nature is not judgmental; this is very obvious in His teachings throughout the gospel books where He taught.

A minister of God told a story of a brother who impregnated a sister in the church. The minister of God said “I was so furious to the extent that I condemned the brother and do not give him audience.

“Some years later, I decided to bless people in the church and I listed four names to prayerfully select who to bless. God did not pick any of the listed people rather He said I should bless the brother who was a victim of fornication.

“I was so angry that I told God that I’ll not do so. I asked God ‘don’t you know what he did?’ and God replied, ‘I don’t know what he did’. I said to God ‘but you’re omniscience’, He replied ‘I did not remember’.

“God commanded me to give him a bible school form and scholarship which I did. Today, he’s one of the best pastors”.

The minister of God concluded his words by saying: “Things that were not God’s acts were Christian’s acts”.

Judging and condemning men has never been a help to the victim but rather a poison. The bible admonished that if a brother falls let those who still have firm stand help him rise again. The bible again says “Let him who thinks he stands be careful, lest he falls”.

I’ve always tell people that never judge people whom you aren’t in their shoes. Even if you’re in their shoes, do not judge.

Let’s help people who fall. Let help people who are victims of a sin or the other. Judgement can’t bring them back on their feet only our love for them can do.