Muhammed Ali, even in death, is ‘Mr. Boxing’ and ‘The Greatest’, the legend who symbolised the boxing game.

It was not ordinary, therefore, for another legend to acknowledge him. In a remark on Ali, Mike Tyson who also made big name in boxing reportedly said in a tribute: “It was hard to believe Muhammed Ali knew my name”.

“It astounds me he knows my name. I first met Ali in 1976 when I was locked up in a juvenile home and he came to visit. To meet him later and call me by name was a honour, I have never forgotten”.

Muhammed Ali

Both boxers were born Americans, but the whole world accepted Muhammed Ali as “The Greatest” heavyweight boxer of all time and generations who also incorporated activism into his career. He was born in January 17th 1942 and died June 3rd, 2016. The New York Times once described him as the “Titan of Boxing”, noting that Ali was the most thrilling heavyweight ever. He brought into the ring a physically lyrical, unorthodox boxing style that fused speed, agility and power more seamlessly than that of any boxer before him.

Ali was widely known to be more than the sum of his athletic gifts. An agile mind, a buoyant personality, a brash self-confident and an evolving set of personal self convictions fostered a magnetism that the ring alone could not contain. He entertained with his mouth as with his fists.

It was a good acknowledgment of honour, therefore, for Tyson in his tribute. Muhammed Ali fought in 541 rounds while Tyson fought in only 211 rounds, an astounding difference of 330 rounds.

But while Muhammed Ali fought to entertain with power, speed and magnetism, Mike Tyson packed amazing brute and raw power in his fists that even “The Greatest” Ali once remarked that he might not have been able to handle a punch from him if the two had ever fought.