Nollywood actress Eniola Ajao has been facing one backlash or the other since her movie premiere on Sunday.

It will be recalled that Eniola Ajao’s Beast of Two Worlds: Ajakaju film premiere sparked uproar when crossdresser, Idris Okuneye better known as Bobrisky was named the best-dressed female .

Eniola Ajao however, issued a long apologies to Dayo Amusa, Bobrisky, women, Muslim cultures, and anybody else who was hurt by her actions.

She wrote:

Dear Esteemed Members of the Public

I write to you today with a heavy heart, filled with regret and remorse over the events that unfolded at my movie premiere, “AJAKAJU,” on Sunday, 24th March, 2024. I address you all today, taking full responsibility and seeking your pardon with my deepest regrets for the distress and turmoil caused by the events surrounding the premiere of “AJAKAJU.”

First, I want to extend my sincerest apologies to the Muslim community, especially during this sacred month of Ramadan. I acknowledge and respect the significance of this time, and it was never my intention to offend or upset anyone with the proceedings of our premiere. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any distress my actions may have caused during this sacred time.

To the women in our society, I want to express my profound apologies. As a woman myself, I understand the importance of upholding and honoring our gender with dignity and respect. I want to assure you that I hold the utmost reverence for womanhood, and I would never intentionally engage in any behavior that diminishes or disparages the role of women in our society.

I also extend my heartfelt apologies to Femi Adebayo and his wife for the undue backlash they faced as a result of the announcement made at our event. I deeply regret the insults and disrespect directed towards them, and I take full responsibility for any harm caused.

To Bobrisky, I offer my sincere apologies for putting you in a difficult position. The decision to award you was never meant to cause harm or controversy but was rather a misguided attempt to generate publicity for our movie. I am truly sorry for any distress this may have caused you.

In an effort to make amends and correct my mistakes, I have decided to honor Papaya Ex and Iyabo Ojo as the best-dressed females at the premiere. Each will receive a sum of N1,000,000(One Million Naira) as a token of my sincere apology and appreciation for their grace and elegance.

I want to emphasize that my primary goal in all of this was to promote my movie, which is set to hit cinemas on 29th March, 2024.

Meanwhile some christians have taken to the comment section to express their grievances as to why she choose to apologise to the Muslim community alone forgetting that this is also the Lent period.

Prince Monday wrote: Your apology is accepted… However,  you only apologized to the Muslims and no apology to Christians who are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Awopeju Olatunde penned: Madam, it’s obvious that you are selective in your apology. However, forgiveness is devine, the fact that you are even humble yourself by apologizing, you have done well.

Augusta Ebere wrote:You only referred to Muslims as the only ones fasting even christians are in Lent observing the same fasting. You are really not serious.

Asiwaju Dayo Fagbem wrote: Is Eniola implying from this apology that the Christian Society is not offended by this saga? Especially at this period which is one of the most significant in Christiandom? I appreciate your effort to correct the narrative in public right now. However, being selective in this apology does not entirely cut off the perceived insensibility that was displayed at your event. Should some of your fans assume that you have always had a targeted audience for your project?

Well, I wish you success in your future endeavours

GomangMicheal wrote: This woman is not serious how can u apologize to a particular set of religion and leave the rest still yet u are apologizing to the main culprit, anyway maybe the film is mainly for Muslims nobody knows, for ur information nobody is watching the trash u couple call film to see what is there, education is good try one it will help in writing public apology next time.