A woman is the heart of the family, and the family is the corner stone of society.

The woman is a powerhouse of creativity, development and peace. Woman brings an equal and powerful complements to the common human condition.

Women have been entrusted with the capacity to transmit life which is the most precious gift that any body can give or receive. Without life no other good is possible. However, are women faithfully guarding that position?

Mary, the woman of the Bible, is the most complete expression of this dignity and vocation. She guarded her heart and bridle her tongue until the time of her son’s manifestation.

Despite knowing so much, she choose to be quite to give room for fulfilment of purpose in her son’s life.

The moral strength of a woman is joined to her awareness that God entrusts the human being to her in a special way. Of course, God entrusts every human being to each and every other human being. But this entrusting concerns women in a special way, precisely by reason of their femininity and this in a particular way determines their vocation, “to Guide and Guard”.

A woman is strong because of her awareness of this entrusting, strong because of the fact that God “entrusts the human being to her,” always and in every way, even in the situations of social discrimination in which she may find herself.

The big question however is, Do we still have women who understand their divine assignment and are doing all it takes to fulfill this divine purpose?

Please watch out!