The fastest journey ever is the journey with the one who knows the way; it helps to get to the destination on time.

I strongly believe that destiny is spiritual and it can’t be decoded through human mental capacity. Destiny is encoded by God, to decode it, you need God.

One of the reasons why we get stuck on our ways to achieve destiny is because we do go in our strength. A preacher once said “If you head to where you don’t know, you wouldn’t know when you get there”. To get your path straight on your way to achieve destiny, you need to be led by the one who encoded your destiny.

Even before Christianity came to Nigeria, our fore fathers do check the destiny of new born babies through divination. This is because they knew that only through that could they set him/her on a straight path to achieve destiny in life.

Destiny was not designed by divination, it was designed by God. That’s why divination may not be correct but seeking to understand through God is the most appropriate way.

You need the leading of God on each step you should take when it comes to your destiny. Many people are full of regret today because they missed God’s directive and they are nowhere. Many people are still struggling to get their path straight, yet they ignored the role of God in their pursuit of destiny. Many keep rising and falling because God is not the one leading. The fastest way to fail on destiny is to ignore the role of God; His leading.

Abraham was able to become the father of many nations as it was in his destiny because he strictly followed the directive of God. David was able to find his way to the palace and became king because God was the one leading him. Apostle Paul could have remained a persecutor of the church of God but God’s directive made him to get his path straight.

If God is not leading you, you may be on a spot thinking that you’re progressing. One of the joys of God leading the way is fulfillment. He’ll lead you to fulfill your reason for existence on this planet earth. Becoming wealthy is not enough, becoming famous is not enough, and being fulfilled is the zenith of all achievements in life.

If God is not leading you, you’re missing your path to fulfillment.