Seun Okinbaloye has revealed that he is still a staffer of Channels Television, refuting the rumours in the social media networks that he has been sacked by the media organisation.

A journalism teacher at a U.S. university, Prof Farooq Kperogi, who said he knew the journalist personally, wrote that he reached out to him, and that Okinbaloye has denied been laid off.

Kperogi wrote “Channel TV’s Seun Okinbaloye has NOT been fired, contrary to social media rumors doing the rounds. I communicated with him a few hours ago, and he said he is on vacation here in the United States and still very much in the employ of Channels TV. ‘Prof, the whole story is fake news,’ he said.”

There have been insinuations in the past few days that Okinbaloye was sacked by Channels TV due to some disagreement over issues bordering on censorship, free speech and others.

Obsevers think his denial may not be entirely true, as he may have decided to be diplomatic to give truce a chance.

In a recent incident that has sparked controversy in the media industry in Nigeria, Channels Television and popular journalist Seun Okinbaloye found themselves at odds over an interview conducted on the channel.

The clash began when Seun Okinbaloye, known for his incisive political analysis and commentary, appeared on Channels Television’s flagship program to discuss current affairs.

However, during the interview, tensions escalated as Okinbaloye raised critical questions about the government’s handling of a recent crisis, leading to a heated exchange between him and the show’s host.

According to reports from eyewitnesses present during the interview, Seun Okinbaloye accused Channels Television of bias and censorship, claiming that his views were being suppressed by the network.

He alleged that the channel was attempting to silence dissenting voices and manipulate public opinion in favor of the government. These accusations quickly gained traction on social media, with many users expressing concern over media freedom and journalistic integrity.

In response to Seun Okinbaloye’s allegations, Channels Television issued a statement defending its editorial policies and commitment to impartiality. The network refuted claims of bias or censorship, stating that it provides a platform for diverse opinions and encourages robust debate on important issues.

Channel TV emphasized its role as a responsible broadcaster dedicated to upholding journalistic standards and serving the public interest.

Okinbaloye was once involved in a situation where the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) imposed a fine of N5 million on the television station.

This action was taken following a petition by the campaign spokesperson for President-elect Bola Tinubu after an interview conducted by Okinbaloye with the vice presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Datti Baba-Ahmed.

During the interview, Baba-Ahmed expressed opposition to the swearing-in of Tinubu as president, scheduled for May 29. He called on the Chief Justice of Nigeria not to swear in Tinubu, claiming that such an action would be unconstitutional.

The petition to the NBC alleged that Baba-Ahmed made inciting comments during the interview, and criticized Okinbaloye for not intervening to prevent these remarks.

In response to this fine and potential censorship, Seun Okinbaloye defiantly declared on his political program that “the media will not be silenced as Nigeria belongs to everyone.”

This statement reflects his commitment to upholding freedom of speech and press freedom despite facing regulatory actions.

This incident underscores the delicate balance between media independence, freedom of expression, and regulatory oversight in Nigeria’s media landscape.

It highlights the challenges faced by journalists and media organizations in navigating political sensitivities while fulfilling their role as watchdogs and facilitators of public discourse.

The clash between Channels Television and Seun Okinbaloye sparked a wave of public outcry and support for both parties. While some viewers criticized the network for allegedly stifling free speech, others praised Seun Okinbaloye for speaking truth to power and holding authorities accountable. The incident reignited debates about media ethics, press freedom, and the role of journalists in a democratic society.

Industry experts weighed in on the controversy, offering varying perspectives on the clash between Channels Television and Seun Okinbaloye. Some analysts argued that such incidents highlight broader challenges facing the media landscape, including political interference, commercial pressures, and ethical dilemmas.

Others called for greater transparency and accountability within news organizations to maintain public trust in journalism.

Amidst escalating tensions, calls emerged for dialogue and resolution between Channels Television and Seun Okinbaloye to address underlying grievances constructively.