By Wumi Akintide

When you declare in a public interview that your ultimate goal and mission is the destruction of Nigeria, you have set yourself up for failure in the mind of many people who believe like you do that that the situation is Nigeria is pretty bad, but that incremental change is what Nigeria needs not destruction.

How for goodness sake would Dele not be labeled a Rebel or a terrorist for lack of a better word to use by those who dislike him even though the guy is telling the truth and nothing but the truth in very provocative verbiage or language as a very brilliant and eloquent lawyer and a very sound intellectual.

I like Dele Farotimi because I could clearly see myself in him as a radical but I do want to restrain myself in deference to caution from using some of his verbiage which sometimes cross the line of civility and decency and respect for the views of the people on the opposing camp.

“Go to Court” has now become our only refrain or pathway to Justice and FairPlay in Nigeria and when we know that the Court and all other aspects of our society are equally as corrupt and totally derelict as concluded by Dele Farotimi and Omoyele Sowore, it now appears to me that the most viable solution Farotimi and Sowore are offering is total Revolution which many Nigerians often recognize as a call to violence.

We all know some revolutions can be peaceful just like few Palace and other Coups in our country had been totally bloodless like what happened when General Gowon was removed during his state visit to Uganda for an OAU Summit or like what has just happened in Syria.

Farotimi wants that Revolution led by people like himself and the people he believes in like Peter Obi, If I hear him correctly.

But what Farotimi has not specifically addressed in his new punchline is that he has not mentioned Omoyele Sowore or himself as two possible Nigerians who could predictably lead such a Revolution.

Dele actually told the whole nation in an interview with Seun Okinbaloye of Channel TV that Peter Obi had won the 2023 Election but that the election had, in fact, been stolen away from him.

That was a conclusion that Dele Farotimi and his fellow believers in a Revolution could not even totally agree on, if we ask them and based on my recollections of what Omoyele Sowore had told Rudolf Okonkwo in one of his recent interviews I have watched on YouTube.

Omoyele firmly believes that Peter Obi was part of the Nigerian problem and part the old order he was fighting to remove and that was why he could never team up with Mr. Obi. Mr. Sowore could issue a rebuttal if I am not reporting what he had said correctly.

The Revolution Dele Farotimi and Omoyele Sowore have been preaching or canvassing is one to be led by the People themselves and not by the regular politicians or the Military who the country had tried before for 38 consecutive years, all to no avail.

“Enia Meji Ki njebi Iro” Dele Farotimi had said in his interview with Seun Okinbaloye because he claims we Nigerians deceive ourselves too much. I happen to agree with that too.

Farotimi had said in that interview that we all have to admit to our faults and that we as a collective with good leadership have to admit that we have all sinned and have fallen short of our people’s expectations and that we have all failed because we are all now tired of where we are today.

There is a part of me that shares some of the views of Dele Farotimi except that I am equally persuaded that the ultimate solution he is offering which is “a Revolution Now” is impracticable because that is not what I believe his stereotype of a good leader like Peter Obi is willing to support right now or at this moment in time.

The same Peter Obi who had scored 6 million plus in the 2023 Election all because the Nigerian Christians, in a revolt, have crossed party lines to vote for his Labor Party because of him.

But I doubt right now, if the same Obi can repeat the same feat in 2027, if he runs again, and if the country does not implode or break up by then because Biafra and Arewa and even the Minority Ijaw and Oodua Republic are also agitating to go their separate ways the last time I checked.

I also recall that Omoyele Sowore had scored far less than a quarter of a million votes in that election nationwide.

Are Nigerians truly ready for a Revolution is a question I often ask myself based on that observation. I don’t know about you.

I say so because I hear rumors which Peter Obi has not denied that he is willing and ready to be a running mate to any candidate the PDP and the new Fulani, Igbo and the Middle Belt Alliance or Cabal are putting together as a counterforce to the ruling APC led by Tinubu who is contemplating running again in 2027, if he able to survive till then based on the rumors we are hearing from the gravevine as we speak and unsolicited predictions from Social Media fake prophets who are now two for a penny in Nigeria.

Those prophets are also part of the country’s problems because many of our people believe them.

Dele Farotimi and many Nigerians who argue that Corruption has become an incurable Cancer in Nigeria, are right but the observation has gone a long way back into our History, if we trace back how we got here.

Nigeria is the only country I know where half the people of Nigeria most especially from the northern half of the country take the name of their town or village as their last name like Aminu Kano, Sule Katagun, Shehu Shagari and so on and so forth.

Nobody would be surprised in Nigeria today if an old legal document suddenly emerges from nowhere showing the last name of our former President as Mohammadu Daura Instead of Buhari because the General was born in Daura in Katsina State.

What of the practice in the Yoruba Southwest where a newly born baby can be given as many as 20 names on the 8th day of his or her birth but the baby will end up using only one or two of those names in addition to his or her surname which is usually the name of his or her father.

Dele Farotimi surely has a point but if we are going to change everything that is wrong with Nigeria in one day or in one fell swoop like Dele and Sowore are suggesting we would no longer have a country.

We must always remember that, if we don’t want to throw away the baby with the bath water.

Going back to regional autonomy or allowing those who want to go to go peacefully may be one of the better options we have in Nigeria, if we can no longer get along in our own country.

Yoruba and Ndigbo farmers can no longer go to their farms because the Fulani intruders and Boko Haram have taken over most of our pristine Forests in the South.

Why not if not?

I rest my case.