The Theatre Arts and Motions Pictures Practitioners in Nigeria (TAMPAN), while celebrating the veteran actor, Charles Olumo better known as Baba Agbako’s birthday yesterday, presented him with a priceless gift.

The association through its President, Bolaji Amusan popularly known as Mr Latin, presented the veteran with a large frame of himself.

The gift was presented to him at his birthday party on Thursday, July 20th.

Speaking with newsmen during the birthday celebration at Abeokuta, Ogun State, TAMPAN President, Mr Latin said clocking 100 years is a rare privilege worth celebrating.

He told the media that Agbako has been in the Nollywood industry for over 75 years, stating the veterans are the pathfinders of Nollywood.

Mr Latin also revealed that the association has put certain plans in place to honor and celebrate practitioners in the industry.

During the course of the events, the Leader Of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele donated the sum of N500,000 to veteran Nollywood actor, Charles Olumo Aka Agbako.

The cleric also placed the veteran actor on life salary of 100,000 monthly.

“I appreciate this group for recognizing me, state national and president. I appreciate your service to the country. I appreciate this group for recognizing me, state national and president. I appreciate your service to the country.

“By God’s grace, I will donate the sum of N500,000 to veteran actor, Charles Oluomo and place him on a monthly salary of 100k till his maker calls him home. Also, I will donate N500,000 to the association for this laudable event.” He said.