My experience in the ministry has shown me that it is possible to waste time with God. I’ve seen quite a number of people who claim to be with God but actually they’re wasting time with God. I’m not talking about the sinners or the backsliders; I’m talking about those who claimed to be with God.

If Christ came and died without any other thing aside miracles, it would have been a wasted death. You can ask yourself why the principal ministry of Jesus was teaching. The answer is simply because that’s what you had after His departure. You don’t see Christ but the words that He taught are alive and it’s still working wonders.

Jesus came to the planet earth, showed us the way, the truth and life. He didn’t do all these through miracles, He did through teachings. Why? The answer is simply because no amount of miracles can show you the way to heaven, no amount of miracles can show you the truth, no amount of miracles can explain who God is. The only way to know those things is to learn from the word of God.

If you claim to be with God and you’re not learning anything about God, you’re only wasting your time with God. If you’re a church goer, you’re wasting your time. If you’re a miracle on-looker, you’re wasting your time with God. The only way to have a meaningful time with God is to learn from God through His words. I’m not against miracles; I’m only saying that miracles can’t take you to heaven. God’s goal for humanity is for them to be with Him in eternity. The only thing that can take you there is absolutely His word.

It always marvels me whenever I see a denomination where the word of God is scarce or poor. The hazard thing about this is that ‘People will go from church to hell’.

Without doubt, there are lots of ‘Bible illiterates’ in the Christendom. The word of God is too spiritual to be interpreted with a carnal mind. It requires getting adequate knowledge of how to understand it.

You’re only wasting your time if you don’t have the knowledge of the word of God. You’re only wasting your time with God if you’re a Bible illiterate. You’re only wasting your time if you’re blinded to the word of God. The will of God is known through the revelation of the scripture.

Get the knowledge of the word of God to avoid wasting time with Him.