By Olawale Aiyegbusi

In the real sense, I don’t like dabbling into issues like this on the social media space but now that Dr Abel Damina’s camp and Dr Paul Enenche’s camp will not stop this ‘naked dance’ on the media space and the fathers, elders and leaders can not stop at least one of them from this childish and nauseating rebuttals, then some of us must come out to say this doesn’t represent us (the body of Christ) at all.

How you feel about what I’m expressing here is immaterial and you can just unfriend me if you’re a disciple of either of the two great men of God in question. You can also block me if you feel I shouldn’t have expressed my deep concern and pain on this matter, no friendship either virtual or physical should stop us from sharing our convictions. Who is right or wrong here is non of my business but the misrepresentation of the body of Christ on the media space. If you have not grown above I’m of Paul or I’m of Apollo mentality, then I counsel you to register for the believers class.

I pray that we would not lose the souls after we have won the arguments because believers are now more concerned about winning arguments than winning souls. It’s high time that we should dissociate ourselves from whatever does not edify and do everything possible to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. The body of Christ is bigger and more important than an individual, a brand, a denomination or any affiliation. My respect for these men that I have met personally can never be considered more important than the overall interest of the body which is the driving force for my action.

We should all know that no matter how great we become in life will never remove the fact that our success is a cumulative effort of many people around us. I am a bishop today by the grace of God but I will never forget that my mother once told me that there was a time I was dying of some terrible cough as a little baby and she could not afford to take me to hospital or buy ordinary cough syrup until her poor friend drop all the money in hand to save my life medically. I have never and will never joke with the input of that woman in my life. Mind you, she’s not even a Christian but a generous moslem woman.

On the other hand, there are people that I have risked my life for in life and ministry, some I ordained them into ministry but they turned around to use every strength in them to work against me, one of them even cooked up a story that never happened in our church while he was with us and sold it to the neighborhood. When the issue was brought to my attention by one of the people who heard about it, I smiled and simply explained my own side to that man that never believed their lies. I never used our pulpit to reply him because not everyone in life will appreciate that you gave your best to them. Even humans don’t appreciate the best that God is giving them and God has not stop being God. Let’s learn to allow the credit of our efforts in people’s lives to go to God and not fight dirty because someone is trying to sweep our efforts under the carpet.

The body of Christ is founded on the basic principles of love, if you can’t love don’t lead. I counsel everyone reading this to pray that God will help us to love when it’s not even convenient to do so then we will find it easy to forgive one another. Finally, let me say again that this is not coming to condemn or take sides with anyone but to tell the world who we are as the body of Christ. Thanks a million times for taking time to read my epistle, God bless you richly in Jesus mighty name.