Frank Edoho is famous for being the host of the renowned television program, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? (WWTBM).

In a recent interview, the popular television presenter stated that he has never physically assaulted a woman in the entirety of his life.

In 2013, it was alleged that Frank Edoho physically assaulted his estranged wife, Katherine Obiang. He has come out to clarify the allegations.

Speaking, he said, “Why are you beating a woman? Then what? I don’t do that and anyone that says that is a big fool because I support women. Anybody that is a wife beater, first of all, looks at all women like they’re beneath them, so beneath them that they can trample upon them”.

Going on, Frank cited an instance that shows how supportive he is to his wife, noting that he learned photography to help her take professional pictures of her work as an interior designer. Through that instance, he emphasised that no wife-beater would support their wife, and he is no wife-beater.

In his words, “I did Photoshop and Lightroom, learned photography, learned cinematography for my wife and her business and I stand by her and her business. If she ever needs me, I’d be there in a pinch and she knows that”.