Popular Nigerian gospel singer, Yinka Ayefele, has taken a brave step towards healing by sharing the story of his car accident with his young children.

In a touching video posted on his Instagram page, Ayefele recounts the details of the 1997 accident that left him wheelchair-bound, sparking a conversation about acceptance and resilience.

The video captures a tender moment between Ayefele and his triplets, Richard, Demola, and Precious, who were born in 2019.

Richard, in particular, expresses curiosity about his father’s use of a wheelchair, prompting Ayefele to share the details of his “turning point” – the accident that occurred on December 12, 1997.

With a calm but emotional voice, Ayefele describes the harrowing experience. “I was the one driving, but the road was slippery,” he explains. “My car tumbled like six times, and it ended in a bush, in a deep pit.” He goes on to share the pain of the rescue and his subsequent treatment, both in Nigeria and abroad.

Ayefele further revealed his children’s genuine concern and their attempts to motivate him to stand again. He acknowledges their frustration, but also emphasizes the importance of acceptance and finding strength in his current circumstances.