Lateef Adedimeji, Nigerian actor seems to be adept at depicting others so much that he’s into his third biopic.

According to reports, after Ayinla, then Jagun Jagun he has made another attempt at depicting Nobel Laurette, Wole Soyinka in a new biopic.

The Nollywood actor has posted clips of the new movie on the social media with his fans screaming their hearts out and waiting patiently.

The biopic sets to be unveil on the Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka is coming from Nigeria filmmaker and director, Joshua Ojo.

Ojo noted that the film which took over a year to produce was about the life and strides of the legendary Nobel laureate.

Addressing journalists earlier in the week, he bemoaned the dearth of biopics in the Nigerian entertainment space, describing the development as very alarming.

He explained that at a time when history was no longer taught in schools, it should be on the screen for the sake of the next generation and a proper build-up of society.

“Wole Soyinka is coming to the cinemas on or before June. We are done with the production; just rounding off post-production. I’ll be sincere that it took a lot to create this; a lot of research, and investigation. But then, if we don’t tell these stories, who would? Our people run away from telling our own historical stories. We documented every integral aspect of Wole Soyinka,” he stated

The graduate of the New York Film Academy added that the choice of Yoruba language was because no movie had been nominated for an Oscar Award with Yoruba language and he intends to submit it for the award. “Also, Prof Soyinka is a national figure, whether it’s Igbo, Hausa or Yoruba, people will still love to see it,” he added.

Ojo is a popular Nigerian filmmaker, actor and film director. He started on a TV series sponsored by USAID and has been featured in different movies, TV series and commercials, including the popular family soap ‘Fuji House of Commotion.’