Once saved, forever saved is actually a right claim from Jesus’ words about our assurance of eternity but a later interpretation, included hereinafter, has suggested contrary opinion and has caused a lot of spiritual complacency.

Here is my opinion, view and believe about the subject.

In Christendom, the subject of once saved, forever saved which is also referred to as eternal security has been a matter of serious debate among Christian specialists.  The subject opined that once a person truly accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are eternally secured in their salvation, “regardless of any subsequent actions or behavior”.

People who hold this belief usually quote scriptures such as Romans 8:38-39, where Paul declares that nothing can separate believers from the love of God in Christ Jesus. 

In this scripture, Apostle Paul was saying that neither the fear of death, nor all the pains and tortures of the dying scene, even in the most painful trials of persecution, death in any form,  nor the hope of life, the love of life, the offer of life made to us by our persecutors, on condition of abdicating our Christian faith (the words evidently refer to times of persecution), temptations of evil spirits, calamities and persecutions to which we are now subjected, trials to which we may be yet exposed can separate us. Apostle Paul mentioned everything and not behaviors and acts that contradict the standard of God.

Although, no matter how sinful you are, it does not reduce the love of God for you but sin can reduce God’s love in your heart. Though sin doesn’t reduce God’s love for you, yet God doesn’t promise you eternal security if you’re saved and still live in sin (In fact you’re not yet regenerated if you still live in sin).

Apostle Paul said we can’t continue in sin and expect grace to abound. In 1Cor. 6:9-10, Apostle Paul affirms that no sinner will inherit the kingdom of God even if you’ve given your life to Christ. In Gal. 5:19-21, Paul also confirmed that no sinner will make heaven. He concluded in verse 22 by saying that “they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”, even if they are Christians. In Eph. 5:3-7, Apostle Paul warned us against sin after salvation. He said in verse 3 that don’t let these things be mentioned among you and in verse 7 he said don’t be a partaker, and in verse 8 he reminded us that we were once in darkness and involving in those things mentioned after we’ve given our life to Christ is going back into darkness and by that, we’ll lose our eternal security which is salvation.

Those who hold the belief also find support from Jesus’ words in John 10:28-29 where Jesus stated that His followers will never perish and that no one can snatch them out of His hand. It is evident that only those who have Christ living in and governing their souls, so that they possess the mind that was in Him, are His sheep and they are those that shall never perish. This is because they have this eternal life abiding in them. If you’re sinning, Christ is not in your heart 1John 3:8 – he that sinneth is of the devil; be it a pastor, a prophet, a Christian and their eternal destiny is hell.

What Jesus was trying to say in this scripture is that you have assurance of eternal home if you are in Him and you live your life by the standard of holiness that He required of you. He further said that nothing can pluck you from Him; not sin, not the devil, not false teachers but He never said that you can’t remove yourself. He only said if you’re willing to stay with Him, wholly, nothing can pluck you. But if you decided to compromise, you can remove yourself.

It must be noted that salvation is solely a work of God’s grace. However, the Bible calls for the role of human responsibility in maintaining the grace of God. Possibility for apostasy is pointed out in the scriptures such as Hebrews 6:4-6 and 2 Peter 2:20-22. The scriptures serve as warning to believers against spiritual complacency and urge believers to persevere in faithfulness. It is important to note that eternal security, as being wrongly interpreted, often brings about moral laxity or the belief that moral laws are not binding on Christians.

There is eternal security in Christ but on the basis that you guard your life against sin and you live a holy life called on by God. The problem of the doctrine of ‘once saved, forever saved’, is a careless interpretation that you’ll get to heaven irrespective of your sinful behaviors and acts which have led to spiritual complacency or a neglect of the call to live holy and righteous lives. Rather the doctrine established the assurance of eternity for those who genuinely accepted Christ and live by His standard.

Ultimately, whether one subscribes to eternal security or not, the central focus remains on the person and work of Jesus Christ as the source and guarantee of salvation. As Christians engage in dialogue and discernment regarding this doctrine; may they remain steadfast in their commitment to follow Christ faithfully, trusting in His grace to sustain them on the journey of faith.