Representatives of The National Broadcasting Commission, NBC, today, visited PEP offices for inspection and approval of the radio station.

During the visit, the officials inspected the studio area, the transmitter, the inverter, mast, generator and other important places.

PEP 100.3 FM is Nigeria’s No.1 Education Radio.

While speaking after the event, the Chief Executive Officer  of the station, Dr. Taiwo Adesoji Isaac revealed that the establishment of the station has been an age long aspiration.

“The idea has been age long. I had the idea since I was a child, like seven years old that I want to work in a radio station and my mother did encourage me that I should ensure I read my book that when I grow up, I’ll work in a radio station.  From that time till now, I’ve been pursuing that dream.

Knowing that radio is not that easy, I have to go through another means which is the talent God gave to me which is writing, that’s why I went into book publishing.

I felt we are now mature to come for the radio, that’s why we are launching into radio proper. By that we are into both electronics and print media.”

He further noted that he has always been in the media all his life, having had his own outfit on campus as a journalist who published a magazine called ‘Sport lite’ magazine and another great feat he achieved during his National Youth Service Corps, NYSC year.

“During my NYSC, I published a magazine that went so viral that the then governor of Cross Rivers State, Donald Duke, had to acknowledge the receipt of the magazine.”

Speaking on the listener’s expectations, he assured audience to be rest assured to receive the same ambience that serenades PEP books publications and even more in a strategic manner.

“Even from our book publications, we have always bank on morals, we teach morals, we educate and that has been our drive. We are bringing what we have been doing in print media that shot us to limelight into the electronic media in a very strategic manner to impact into the lives of our youths and families positively.

Dr Isaac further expressed his joy on the approval of the station.

“I am very happy because it is a dream comes true. You know if you have something on mind all along and you have been waiting, now that the waiting is over, we are now in the midst of it. My joy knows no bound at this moment.”

Also present at the event alongside representatives from The National Broadcasting Commission, NBC, is Mr Clement Ige, the publisher of Broadcasters International Magazine.