Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has opined that in a marriage the man is the head of the union and because he’s the head of that union, it is important to understand him.

“Now, you think, he’s the one that needs to understand his wife. That is where you are wrong! He will, but until you know who you have married. Is like working for somebody and don’t know what he wants. Is like serving somebody and don’t know what he wants.

When you say that  you are marrying a man, you are coming under his authority. The Bible says the man is the head of the woman.

“So, when you marry him, you are coming under his authority. You are not authority sharers even though you are both heirs to the Kingdom of God. Because there, there is neither female nor male. But we are functioning here, that is why you are given the body of a woman and he is given the body of a male.

“So, in that union there is a head. When you say you are marrying a man, you are submitting yourself to his authority.

“Now, when you decide not to submit yourself to his authority, you are a rebel. And God is not going to accept what you are doing because you are not functioning correctly.

Oyakhilome further asks: WHY DID GOD MADE THE WOMAN?

“Simple, when you study Genesis from Chapter Two, He says, he brought all the animals before Adam to see what He will call them and Adam named them and when He was done, the Bible tells us, there was not found a suitable one for Adam. No suitable company or companion for Adam.

“Then God said in Genesis 2:18 “The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

“He did not say it is not good that the man should be lonely. There is a big difference between alone and lonely. He was not lonely, He was alone. When you say alone, it means alone about something.

“I will make Him a helpmeet/partner” or did He say He will make Him a supervisor?, Oyakhilome said.