Anyone who hasn’t experienced the spirituality of life will deny the fact that life is more spiritual than carnal. Without doubt, the spiritual part of life controls the physical part of it.

People deny the spirituality of life yet many people are being fed with demonic food in their dreams and there are physical manifestations. I once asked someone to observe a fast and a day to the day the person will conclude the fasting, she had a dream. She called and was terrified by the dream; she said “I had a dream. I was fed in my dream and when I wake up, my mouth tastes as if I’ve indeed eaten”. She added that “my mouth is stained with oil. My hand could touch it and I could see it with my physical eyes”.

People deny the spirituality of life yet many people are experiencing sleeping paralysis. A lot of people could recover from this kind of experience. A part of theology called demonology revealed that sleeping paralysis is an effect caused by demon.

People deny the spirituality of life yet many people are experiencing migraine. Migraine, as revealed by demonology, is an effect of the kill and massacre acts of demons. In order word, migraine is caused by demonic attack.

Wet dream is another part of it. Someone once said to me “my life goes drastically down whenever I had wet dreams”. People’s lives are deteriorating each day as a result of the spirituality of life.

Denying the fact that life is spiritual is accepting the offer that the wicked people in the world offer. We have religion not only to help us know God but to also show us how to overcome the functions of the wicked ones.

In few weeks, I’ll be sharing more on the spirituality of life. It exists and it’s evidence is beyond doubt. My prayer is that God will protect us from the wicked people in the world.